Program Manager as a service

No time for day job?

Are your sales and marketing team bogged down by multi-channel sales, marketing or channel programs, leaving them with no time for their day job?

You might have observed that the response from your team seems to be slower. Or that other initiatives do not seem to be progressing as planned or have even stalled.

Driving a program is intensive

Driving a major multi-channel sales, marketing or channel program can be very intensive and time consuming.

Your sales or marketing manager could be dragged down by the day to day operational matters and tactical issues, leaving him with no bandwidth for his other duties and responsibilities. This would negatively impact other initiatives and programs.

To drive an effective program, a sales or marketing manager cannot cover the dual role of a program owner and program manager. He needs to focus on being a program owner, overlooking the strategic intent of the program as prescribed by yourself and other key stakeholders. He needs to elevate himself to cover the business objectives of the program and monitor if the results are delivering to these objectives.

Our program manager can assist

Our team of experienced program managers can help with the overall management and execution of the program so that your team can focus on the results and strategic intent of the program.

From an operational perspective, the program owner needs his twin, a program manager who focuses on the tactical issues and day to day operations. This program manager drives the day to day execution of the program, managing the project timeline, coordinating activities, moderating work-in-progress meetings, escalating to the program owner when needed.

Our program managers are industry veterans, with 10 to 20 years of working experience. Most of them have Asia Pacific regional experience and have worked in a large corporation.

Partnership for success

Let us help you raise your team’s productivity and morale! Our management consulting and program management services are tailored to help you focus on the business outcomes.